I wasn't hurt by what they said as I was expecting nothing else from them anyways. I was so used to being double face with them that I actually said thank you for coming and right after they left, called my mother. And yet, to this day, I still regret not confronting them about their inhuman intervention/ I should have thrown them out of my place.
I regret not confronting the Elder who was pretty nasty to me. There were many times I should have thrown a punch at him, times I should have called him out and times I should of thrown him out of my house.
This Elder was a self-righteous bastard, who always had to impress the District and Circuit Overseers when they paid their biannual visits. He would avoid talking to me or even shaking my hand at our Kingdom Hall. He always brought over the Overseers to my house to show how much concern he had for the lost sheep. He tells me during one visit in my home, ''how much he loves me and hopes that I take their advice on showing up at the meetings more often and to start back in field service.'' I should have called him on it to the Overseers but didn't.